The planners at the Association of Bridal Consultants want to be at the forefront of education at all times so they can have fresh new ideas for their clients. What better way to stay ahead of the game than to have a meeting in one of the largest warehouses there is in Central Florida;
A Chair Affair where they have every imaginable chair, charger, cake stand and so much more! But you can’t leave out the linens, color and texture combined with the accessories to make a tablescape gorgeous on your event day. Jennifer from Over the Top Linens had a fabulous presentation that included show and tell for all the planners and designers present that day.
Jennifer spoke about the Five Fabulous Design Tips:
Keep your key words in mind Have faith that all your efforts will be worth it and you selected the right vendors Share something personal and unique Tell the story Prioritize what is important and keep the look consistent Be a dream team, but remember the bride(client) is the BOSS! Jennifer touched on the trends that we are seeing in 2016:
Going glam Shades of treasure Dramatic fashion Geometric patterns Exotic elegance Simple photography Tourist for a day
See the pictures of some of the designs created right there at A Chair Affair with Jennifer from Over the Top Linens and Sharon from A Chair Affair. Tracey from Enchanting Events tied all of the information together and took us to the planner’s favorite moment when she gets to put the design ideas together with the client’s vision for the presentation to the client of what is “THE VISION” the moment that a bride awaits to see her dream wedding come true!